HHC Cannabis Produkte kaufen Blüten, Vapes, Gummibärchen, Liquid

Premium HHC

Available in different flavors & strengths



    HHC and THC are cannabinoids that are obtained in a certain way from the hemp plant. While HHC is a further processed product, THC is much purer.

    There are also clear differences in the effect, which have a corresponding impact on legality. THC is known, among other things, for its psychoactive effects. These special effects cannot be demonstrated with HHC, which is why these drugs are not considered psychosoactive. When we talk about marijuana, we usually mean the active ingredient THC, which causes intoxication. Instead, HHC is found in products containing CBD. The differences are also evident in the effect.

    Does HHC get you high?

    Yes , according to user feedback, HHC can produce a euphoric effect.
    HHC is a man-made cannabinoid that can exhibit effects similar to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This can lead to a feeling of calm and elation , which is why it is popular with casual users. It should be emphasized that the effect of HHC may vary from individual to individual. Some users find the effect to be gentler and easier to control than with conventional THC products. However, reactions can vary.

    Remember that the use of HHC and similar substances may be subject to legal restrictions. Always check the applicable regulations in your region before using such products. If you are unsure or have further concerns, it is advisable to contact a specialist or specialist who can provide you with more information.

    THC regt die CB1 Rezeptoren an, die im Gehirn sind. Dabei entstehen bei den unterschiedlichen Menschen sehr unterschiedliche Reaktionen. Diese können von Angstzuständen, Panikattacken bis zu Glücksgefühlen und Euphorie reichen. Nicht nur das Gehirn zeigt Reaktionen, sondern auch der Körper. So können sich Schwindel, Übelkeit und Erbrechen bemerkbar machen. Ein weiterer Unterschied bezieht sich auf die Legalität. Durch die bisherigen wenigen Forschungen, die sich auf HHC beziehen, ist dieser Wirkstoff legal. Eine Gesetzesänderung setzt weitere Kenntnisse und eine genaue Aufnahme der Wirkstoffe in die Gesetzestexte voraus.

    THC vs HHC

    However, the effect is also different, although there are no studies to get a concrete picture of the two substances and to be able to specifically assess the differences.

    Dennoch besteht eine Ähnlichkeit der Struktur, weshalb teilweise von vergleichbaren Wirkungen auszugehen ist, auch wenn diese zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch nicht bekannt oder erwiesen ist. Der wesentliche Unterschied ist und bleibt die Herstellung und somit die Zusammensetzung der Produkte, die auf diesen Wirkstoff setzen.

    Da HHC in der Cannabispflanze nur in geringen Mengen vorkommt, sind Produkte, welche hochkonzentriert sind, eher mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Denn über die Wirkungsweise ist noch nicht viel bekannt, auch die Händler sind unterschiedlich und die Produkte unterscheiden sich je nach Hersteller.


    • Anti-inflammatory properties for pain relief.
    • Influence on the processing of pain signals from various parts of the body.
    • Calming effect for coping with stress and anxiety.
    • Improvement in sleep quality for deeper relaxation.
    • Boosts general mood and reduces symptoms of depression.
    • Alternative to conventional medication for depression.
    HHC Blüten


    Fancy even more cool stuff from our store? 🌟🛍️

    1️⃣ For the vape fans among you: try our HHC vapes! The"Pineapple Diesel" and"Banana Pancake" flavors are particularly popular - perfect for starting or ending the day with a sweet kick. Our vapes are discreet, easy to use and offer a unique experience. Take a look: HHC Vapes 🍍🥞

    2️⃣ And for the flower lovers: Check out our"Cosmic Blackout" and"Royal Skunk" HHC flowers. Whether you want to relax or just enjoy, these strains are a blast. 🌿🌌

    3️⃣ Don't forget our bestsellers like"Space Pirate" and"Maui Wowie Vintage" - this selection will take you to new heights. ✨🚀

    4️⃣ We also have something for those of you with a sweet tooth: our HHC gummy bears! Sweet, delicious and just the thing to sweeten your day. 🐻🍬

    5️⃣ And last but not least: For those who want to conjure up their own creations, we have super cool grinders. They make chopping up your flowers child's play. 🌪️🌿

    Take a look, it's worth it! 🌟🛍️


    The legal situation of HHC may vary depending on the country or region. It's important to check the applicable laws and regulations in your area to ensure you stay within the legal framework.

    HHC is extracted from THC through a process called hydrogenation. THC molecules are treated with hydrogen gas to create an artificial reaction. This reaction produces THC analogues (chemically similar molecules), but these can no longer be called THC. Since THC is natural, but HHC is subsequently synthesized, it is scientifically considered a semi-synthetic cannabinoid.

    In our shop we offer tested HHC products from premium manufacturers, such as:

    We regularly expand our range with new high-quality products, so take a look, it's worth it!

    In addition to the products mentioned above, there are also HHC products which are offered in the following forms in various online shops:

    1. Oils and Tinctures : These are liquid extracts of hemp or cannabis that contain HHC or other cannabinoids. They can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or added to foods or drinks.
    2. Capsules and tablets : For those who prefer a more precise dosage or an odorless and tasteless option, capsules or tablets may be a good choice.
    3. Edibles : These are foods that contain cannabinoids. Popular examples are gummies, chocolate or cookies.
    4. Topical products : These include creams, ointments, lotions, and balms that are applied to the skin.

    In today's world there are countless different products, all claiming to be the best. It can be difficult to sort through all the offerings and figure out which products are actually high quality and which are not. If you are looking for high-quality HHC products, you have come to the right place. You can find HHC products in many different places. One of the best places to find HHC products is online. With us you will find a large selection of HHC products, whether HHC flowers, HHC vapes or HHC cartridges.

    Regular use of other cannabinoids can cause your system to develop a tolerance. However, if you stop consuming for a while, the system should be replenished and allow you to continue using HHC or other cannabinoids without any problem.

    At appropriate doses, HHC can have multiple benefits:

    • Anti-inflammatory properties for pain relief.
    • Influence on the processing of pain signals from different parts of the body.
    • Calming effect for stress and anxiety management.
    • Improving sleep quality for deeper relaxation.
    • Increasing overall mood and reducing symptoms of depression.
    • Alternative to conventional medication for depression.