Coke eyes: How cocaine affects the eyes and how to recognise it

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Niklas Bergmann, M.A.

Biochemist, specialist author

Inhaltsverzeichnis: Coke eyes: How cocaine affects the eyes and how to recognise it

Cocaine is a highly stimulating substance that has considerable effects on the body and mind. One of the most noticeable changes is in the eyes. In this blog, you will learn all about cocaine eyes, how cocaine affects the eyes, what the typical signs are and what health risks are associated with it.


What are coke eyes?

The term coke eyes refers to the various changes that can occur in the eyes after using cocaine. These symptoms are often clearly visible and can be an indicator of the use of the drug. The most common signs include greatly dilated pupils, medically known as mydriasis. This dilation makes the eyes appear unnaturally large and less sensitive to light. This can make it difficult for those affected to adapt to different lighting conditions, which can be particularly problematic in bright environments.

Another characteristic indication is a glazed or fixed gaze. This occurs because cocaine stimulates the central nervous system and thus influences natural eye movements and blinking. As a result, the eyes appear less lively and can give an absent-minded impression. In addition, the eyes may be reddened, which is due to irritation of the fine blood vessels in the conjunctiva. This redness may be caused by the inhalation of cocaine particles or by the general drying out of the mucous membranes as a result of drug use.

Watery or dry eyes are other symptoms caused by impaired tear production. Tear fluid plays a crucial role in moisturising and cleaning the surface of the eye. If this process is disrupted, it can lead to discomfort or the feeling of having a foreign body in the eye. These impairments are not only recognisable to outsiders, but can also be very unpleasant for those affected.


How cocaine affects the eyes

Cocaine acts as a powerful stimulant on the central nervous system and leads to an increased release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline. These chemical changes have direct effects on various body systems, including the eyes. One of the most noticeable reactions is the significant dilation of the pupils, medically known as mydriasis. This dilation makes the pupils less sensitive to light stimuli, resulting in increased sensitivity to light. Those affected may have difficulty adapting to changing light conditions, which makes seeing in bright light difficult and uncomfortable.

In addition to dilating the pupils, cocaine also affects the blood vessels in the eyes. This leads to vasoconstriction, i.e. a narrowing of the blood vessels, which reduces blood flow. This can lead to dry eyes as the production of tear fluid is disrupted. Dry eyes are more susceptible to irritation and infection as the natural protective layer that fends off dirt particles and germs is missing.

Another symptom can be reddening of the eyes. Although cocaine constricts the blood vessels, the subsequent rebound effect can lead to overdistension of the vessels, causing redness. Some sufferers also report a burning sensation or pain in the eyes, which is due to the irritation of the mucous membranes.

The increased neurotransmitter levels can also trigger involuntary eye movements or trembling of the eyelids. These symptoms are caused by overstimulation of the nerves that control the eye muscles. In some cases, blurred vision or double vision may also occur as eye movements are no longer synchronised. This impairs the ability to focus on clear images and can increase the risk of accidents.

Recognising coke eyes: The typical signs

If you want to know how to recognise coke eyes, there are some clear signs that you can look out for. In addition to greatly dilated pupils, the eyes may appear red or glassy. Affected people may blink less, leading to dry and irritated eyes. A fixed or restless gaze is also typical. A fixed gaze is caused by increased concentration or fixation on certain thoughts, while a restless gaze is caused by nervousness or restlessness.

Another indication is the change in blinking behaviour. People under the influence of cocaine often blink less frequently than usual, which also dries out the eyes. A dry feeling in the eyes or excessive tearing can also be signs. These symptoms often occur in combination and can last for several hours after use.

It is important to note that these signs should not be considered in isolation. The occurrence of several of these symptoms at the same time increases the likelihood of coke eyes. If you observe such changes, it is advisable to react sensitively and supportively.

Mann mit geweiteten Pupillen


Large pupils due to drugs: Why cocaine dilates pupils

The fact that drugs such as cocaine lead to large pupils is related to their effects on the autonomic nervous system. Cocaine activates the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to the release of neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline. These cause a contraction of the muscles, which dilate the pupils. The resulting mydriasis makes the eyes appear unnaturally large and can impair vision. Those affected are often more sensitive to light as the dilated pupils let in more light.

This pupil dilation is not only observed with cocaine, but also with other stimulants such as amphetamines or certain hallucinogens. It therefore often serves as an indicator for the consumption of such substances. However, medical reasons such as certain eye drops or neurological diseases can also lead to mydriasis. It is therefore important to consider the context.

The constant dilation of the pupils can strain the eye. The increased sensitivity to light causes the retina to become overstimulated more quickly. This can cause headaches and increase the risk of long-term eye damage.


How long do the symptoms last?

A frequently asked question is how long the coke eyes and associated symptoms last. The duration can vary depending on the amount and purity of cocaine consumed as well as the individual's metabolic rate. Generally, pupils and other symptoms normalise within a few hours of use. With occasional use, the effects can subside after 2 to 4 hours.

However, with regular or heavy use, the symptoms can last longer and be more intense. The body needs more time to break down the substance and the constant stimulation can lead to persistent hypersensitivity. In some cases, those affected report visual disturbances or sensitivity to light that persist even after prolonged abstinence.

It is important to take individual differences into account. Factors such as general health, age and possible pre-existing conditions can influence the duration and intensity of symptoms. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, medical advice should definitely be sought.


Health risks for the eyes

The use of cocaine harbours not only short-term but also long-term risks for eye health. Due to the constant vasoconstriction and the resulting circulatory disorder, the eyes cannot be supplied with sufficient nutrients and oxygen. This can lead to degenerative changes and increase the risk of eye diseases.


Long-term effects:

Glaucoma Impairment of fluid drainage in the eye can increase intraocular pressure, which can lead to glaucoma. If left untreated, this can lead to blindness.

Netzhautschäden : Disturbed blood flow can cause areas of the retina to die off, which permanently impairs vision.

Hornhautschäden Dry eyes increase the risk of corneal injuries and inflammation, which can be painful and leave scars.


Increased susceptibility to infections: The irritation of the mucous membranes and impaired tear production increase susceptibility to infections such as conjunctivitis. As the eye's natural defence mechanisms are weakened, bacteria and viruses can penetrate more easily and cause inflammation.


Impairment of vision: Long-term cocaine use can lead to loss of visual acuity and visual field defects. This impairs the ability to see clear images and can have a significant impact on daily life. In severe cases, it can lead to complete blindness.

It is therefore important to be aware of the health risks and to seek medical help at an early stage if symptoms occur. Regular eye examinations can help to recognise damage at an early stage and initiate suitable measures.


Prevention and support

If you or someone around you is showing signs of coke eyes, it is important to seek support. There are numerous counselling centres and support services that can help with questions about cocaine use and its effects on health. Open discussions and professional help are crucial steps to minimise possible risks and protect your health.


Steps to support:

1. open conversation: Speak to the person in a calm moment and express your observations without accusations.

2. information: Share knowledge about the health risks and offer information material.

3. professional help: Encourage the person to seek professional support and accompany them to appointments if necessary.

4. support in everyday life: offer help with everyday challenges and show understanding for the situation.


It is also helpful to inform yourself about the dangers of drug use and to raise awareness. Prevention starts with education and understanding the effects on the body and mind. Together we can help reduce the negative consequences of cocaine and other drugs.



Coke eyes are a clear sign of cocaine use and can have both short-term and long-term effects on eye health. The typical signs such as dilated pupils, redness and a glazed look are important indicators that should not be ignored. By recognising these symptoms and seeking support when needed, you can help maintain health and reduce risks. It is important to be vigilant and seek professional help if necessary.

By understanding the effects of cocaine on the eyes, we can raise awareness and offer support to those affected. Open conversations and professional help are crucial to prevent long-term damage and promote health. Remember that there are always ways to get help and that no one has to be alone with these challenges.

Niklas Bergmann, Fachautor

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