Popper: Everything you need to know about the drug

Popper: Alles, was du über die Droge wissen musst

Niklas Bergmann, M.A.

Biochemist, specialist author

Inhaltsverzeichnis: Popper: Everything you need to know about the drug

Poppers - the name sounds harmless, but behind it lies a substance that plays a major role in certain scenes. Whether in clubs, at parties or in an intimate context: the small bottle with the large effects has gained a firm place in leisure culture. But what exactly is behind this drug, which is often sold as a "room fragrance" or "cleaner"?

In this blog, we take a look at what exactly poppers are, how they work and the risks associated with their use. You'll also find out whether poppers are legal in Germany, why they are used in the LGBTQ+ community in particular and how to use them safely. If you're interested in substances or just curious, read on - this article is for you!

And remember: You can find more exciting topics on drugs in our Drogen-Lexikon .

What are poppers?

Poppers is the colloquial name for a group of chemicals that belong to the alkyl nitrites. Originally, these substances were used in medicine, for example in the treatment of angina pectoris. Due to their ability to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, they were used to relieve acute chest pain and promote blood circulation. Over time, however, their use has changed considerably: Today, poppers are mainly consumed as a recreational drug and used less in medical contexts.

The substance is typically sold in small glass vials. After opening, it exudes a distinctive, often sweetish-chemical odour. The effects develops almost instantly after inhalation, but is of very short duration - usually only a few minutes. Although poppers are widely used, they are often marketed under names such as "cleaning agent" or "room fragrance". This misleading labelling is used to exploit legal grey areas and allow them to be sold in some countries where they would otherwise be regulated or banned.

How do poppers work?

The effects of poppers starts almost immediately after inhalation and usually only lasts for a very short time - usually just a few minutes. The main mechanism of this substance is to dilate the blood vessels. This leads to a rapid drop in blood pressure and increased blood flow through the body, which triggers the characteristic effects.

Typical effects and their duration

  • Feeling of warmth: Many users describe a sudden, intense feeling of heat that spreads throughout the body.
  • Euphorie: Poppers can produce a strong but short-lived high that is often perceived as pleasant and liberating.
  • Muskelentspannung: The substance has a particularly relaxing effect on the smooth muscles, which is one of the reasons for its popularity in a sexual context.
  • Dizziness and drowsiness: The rapid drop in blood pressure can also cause unpleasant side effects such as mild nausea, dizziness or a feeling of light-headedness.

It is important to understand the extremely short duration of effect of poppers. The effects usually wears off completely after a few minutes, which makes it very different from many other psychoactive substances. However, it is precisely this short-lived nature of the effects that contributes to the popularity of the substance, as the "high" is intense but quickly over.

If you would like to know more about other drugs, then take a look at Drogen-Lexikon .

How poppers are used in everyday life

are used as a kind of "mood booster", as their fast but short effects makes them ideal for spontaneous kicks without the high lasting for hours. The intense, albeit fleeting effects makes it a popular substance for moments when a short energy boost or a relaxing effects is desired.

Poppers play a particularly central role within the LGBTQ+ community. Due to their relaxing effects effect on the smooth muscles, they facilitate intimate contact and are often used in this context. This specific effect has contributed to the fact that poppers have a long tradition and a certain cultural anchoring in the community, both in private and social contexts.

Utilisation in a sexual context: myths and reality

The link between poppers and sexuality is well known and has contributed significantly to their popularity. They are often touted as an aid to increase pleasure and reduce inhibitions. Due to the relaxing effects effect on the muscles and the short, intense high, many users experience the substance as supportive in intimate moments.

But caution is advised: The actual effects can vary greatly from individual to individual, and there are potential risks that should not be underestimated. These include possible overdoses, unpleasant side effects such as dizziness or nausea and dangerous interactions with other substances, particularly with antihypertensive medication or Viagra. It is important to be aware of the risks and to use the substance responsibly.

Mehrere Fläschchen mit einem Löffel

Are poppers legal?

The legal status of poppers varies greatly from country to country and is often subject to complex regulations. In Germany, for example, alkyl nitrites are neither authorised as medicinal products nor as stimulants. This means that they may not be officially sold for human consumption.

To circumvent these legal restrictions, suppliers often resort to creative labelling. For example, poppers are often advertised on the market as "technical products", for example under names such as "cleaning agent", "leather care" or "room fragrance". This labelling allows them to be sold without directly violating existing laws. Nevertheless, consumption remains in a legal grey area that is regularly discussed in many countries.

Risks when purchasing

Caution is advised when buying online: Many providers advertise supposedly legal products that may, however, contain dangerous ingredients or impurities. If you are interested in buying, find out more about the provider and its reliability.

For the latest trends and safe tips on dealing with substances, visit our Startseite .

Side effects and risks of poppers

The consumption of poppers harbours a number of risks that should not be underestimated. Whilst effects is short-lived, side effects can occur after just a few minutes and in some cases can lead to serious health problems.

Common side effects

  • Headache and nausea: These symptoms occur particularly frequently, especially in the case of overdoses. They can range from mild discomfort to severe symptoms.
  • Dizziness and fainting: The sudden drop in blood pressure triggered by the substance can lead to severe dizziness and, in severe cases, even fainting. This is particularly dangerous if it happens in unfavourable situations such as when driving or dancing.
  • Skin irritation: Direct contact with the liquid is also problematic. As poppers are highly irritating, they can cause burns or other injuries on contact with the skin.

Long-term risks

Regular consumption can put considerable strain on the cardiovascular system. A permanent dilation of the blood vessels and the constant change in blood pressure can lead to serious damage in the long term. People with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions in particular are at increased risk.

Special hazards due to combinations

Consumption becomes particularly risky when poppers are combined with other substances. Taking alcohol or medication such as Viagra at the same time can significantly increase the side effects. These mixtures can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure, which can be life-threatening in the worst case.

It is important to be aware of the potential dangers and only consume poppers with great caution, if at all.

Enjoy poppers safely: here's how

If you consume poppers, pay attention to the following safety tips:

  • Inhale only small amounts: Avoid overdosing.
  • No direct skin contact: Wear gloves in case the liquid is spilt.
  • Fresh air: Do not consume indoors to minimise the risk of suffocation.
  • No mixed consumption: Do not combine poppers with alcohol or other drugs.

If a severe reaction occurs, seek medical help immediately.

Where can you buy poppers?

In Germany, poppers are not officially authorised as either a stimulant or a medicine, but they are still freely available in special shops and via various online platforms. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the products, as not all suppliers adhere to the same standards. Reputable dealers endeavour to offer poppers without harmful additives or impurities, which at least reduces the risks for the user.

If you're thinking about trying poppers, it's important to do your research beforehand. A good place to start is our blogs, where we not only share background information on poppers, but also on other substances and their safe use. Knowledge is the first step in making informed decisions and minimising risks.

Conclusion: Is the consumption of poppers worth the risk?

Poppers are known for their fast, intense effects, which attracts many in the club scene and LGBTQ+ community. Whether as a "mood booster" or to help you let go of inhibitions - the short kick is a highlight for many. After inhaling, it starts immediately: a warm feeling, euphoria and relaxation, but only for a few minutes. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

But be careful: poppers are anything but harmless. Side effects such as dizziness, headaches or nausea occur quickly, and the sudden drop in blood pressure in particular can be dangerous. Anyone who overdoes it or mixes the substance with other things such as alcohol or Viagra exposes themselves to serious risks - keyword cardiovascular system.

Yes, poppers are popular, and their prevalence shows that for many they are part of recreational behaviour. But fun should never come at the expense of your safety. Before you decide to use them, do your research. After all, no short buzz is worth the risk, right? Your health should always come first.

In the end, it is up to everyone to handle such substances responsibly - and to inform themselves well beforehand. You can find information on our Startseite and in Drogen -Lexikon the best resources.

Niklas Bergmann, Fachautor

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