Dünger für Cannabispflanzen

EC value table Grow

What is the EC value and why is it important for growing?

The EC value, also known as electrical conductivity, is a crucial measurement when growing plants. It indicates how well a Liquid conducts electricity, which is directly related to the amount of dissolved salts - i.e. nutrients. The EC value plays a central role in growing, as it tells you whether your plants are receiving the right amount of nutrients.

An EC value that is too high indicates that the nutrient solution is over-concentrated, which can "burn" your plants. An EC value that is too low, on the other hand, means that your plants may be starving. Both can inhibit growth or even cause serious damage. Therefore, the EC value is a helpful tool to ensure that your plants have the optimal environment at every stage of growth.

What is the difference between EC and PPM?

There is often confusion between the terms EC and PPM, as both describe the concentration of nutrients but take different approaches. The EC value measures the conductivity of the water, which means that it shows how many dissolved salts are present. The higher the salt concentration, the better the Liquid conducts electricity - and the higher the EC value.

PPM, on the other hand, stands for "parts per million" and describes the actual amount of particles in the nutrient solution. Although PPM is often used, it depends on the conversion scale (e.g. 500 or 700 scale), which is why it can occasionally cause confusion. As a rough guide, 1 mS/cm EC equates to around 500 PPM, but it is worth checking exactly which scale your meter uses to make precise adjustments.

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EC-Wert Tabelle für den Grow: Übersicht der optimalen Werte

Der EC-Wert ist in jeder Phase des Pflanzenwachstums entscheidend, da die Nährstoffanforderungen der Pflanzen variieren. Um sicherzustellen, dass deine Pflanzen optimal versorgt werden, findest du hier eine Übersichtstabelle mit den idealen EC-Werten und ihren entsprechenden PPM-Werten (Parts per Million). Die Werte sind nach den verschiedenen Wachstumsphasen unterteilt und geben dir einen klaren Anhaltspunkt zur Anpassung deiner Nährlösung.

Phase EC-Wert (mS/cm) PPM (Parts per Million)
Keimling/Setzling 0,2–0,4 100–200
Vegetative Phase 0,8–1,4 400–700
Übergang (Stretch) 1,4–1,6 700–800
Blütephase Anfang 1,6–2,0 800–1000
Blütephase Ende 1,8–2,2 900–1100
Spülen (Flush) < 0,4 < 200

Diese Tabelle hilft dir, die Nährstoffkonzentration in deiner Nährlösung genau an die Bedürfnisse deiner Pflanzen anzupassen. Beachte, dass die Werte je nach Sorte und Bedingungen leicht variieren können. Überprüfe den EC-Wert regelmäßig, besonders bei wechselnden Wachstumsphasen, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

How do you measure the EC value in a grow?

Measuring the EC value is straightforward if you use the right tools. The most important tool is an EC meter, which has been specially developed to determine the conductivity of Liquids.

Step-by-step instructions:

1.preparation: make sure your EC meter is clean and calibrated, dirt or old residue can distort the results.

2.measurement: Immerse the probe of the device in the nutrient solution and wait a few seconds until the value is displayed stably.

3rdreading and adjustment: Compare the measured EC value with the optimum table and add nutrients if necessary or dilute the solution with water.

It is worth measuring regularly as the EC value can fluctuate, especially when plants take up water and nutrients. Use filtered or osmotic water to obtain more accurate results.

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Adjust EC value: Tips and tricks

If the EC value is not within the optimum range, you can easily correct it.

-EC value too high: This often happens if you have added too much fertiliser. Dilute the nutrient solution with fresh water to lower the salt concentration.

-EC value too low: In this case, your plants need more nutrients, so carefully add small amounts of fertiliser until the EC value reaches the target range.

Remember to make adjustments slowly and in a controlled manner, as large fluctuations can stress your plants and cause long-term damage.

Common problems with the EC value and how you can avoid them

An incorrect EC value can quickly lead to problems. Here are the most common challenges and how you can avoid them:

1.inaccurate measurements:

Cause: Contaminated probes or temperature fluctuations.

Solution: Calibrate your EC meter regularly and keep it clean.


Cause: EC value too high due to excess fertiliser.

Solution: Rinse the nutrient solution to remove excess salts and dose fertiliser more carefully.

3.different scales (EC ↔ PPM):

Cause: use of inappropriate conversion tables.

Solution: Check the scale of your PPM meter (500 or 700 scale).