Datura, also known as Datura stramonium, is a striking plant with prickly fruits and funnel-shaped, white flowers that grows wild in many regions. But behind the inconspicuous beauty lies a dangerous side: Datura contains highly potent alkaloids that have a strong effect on the body. Centuries ago, various cultures used this plant to induce mind-altering states or to use it in healing rituals. Today, datura is controversial due to its poisonous content - its use requires in-depth knowledge and respect for its effects.
The effect of the datura
Datura's effects are mainly due to the substances it contains, atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyamine, which affect the nervous system. These active ingredients can cause strong hallucinations, disorientation and altered perception - sometimes to the point of losing touch with reality. These alkaloids have traditionally been used in small, controlled quantities in spiritual rituals, but a safe dosage is almost impossible. Even small variations in quantity can drastically alter the effect and make it dangerous. The plant therefore remains fascinating, but its use should always be viewed with caution.

Be careful when touching: Is datura poisonous to the touch?
Even without eating the datura, contact with the plant can be unpleasant. Although simply touching it rarely leads to serious poisoning, sensitive people sometimes react with skin irritation or allergic reactions, especially if plant juices get onto the skin. So if you often work with datura or tend the plant in the garden, it is better to wear gloves. It is particularly important to ensure that children and pets do not come into contact with the plant, as its poisonous effect can cause discomfort even with minimal skin contact.
Smoking datura: Effects and dangers of this practice
Some people try to enhance the mind-expanding effects of datura by smoking the leaves - a dangerous method. The alkaloids enter the bloodstream very quickly when smoked and can lead to unpredictable effects, including hallucinations, tachycardia and breathing problems. The concentration of active ingredients in datura varies greatly, making it difficult to estimate the dosage. Even a small mistake can have serious consequences, which is why smoking datura is strongly discouraged. The risks clearly outweigh the possible effects.
Traditional use for asthma: What's the truth?
In earlier times, datura was used as a remedy, especially for respiratory diseases such as asthma. The alkaloids in the plant have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the respiratory tract and can therefore make breathing easier. However, this use is outdated and carries considerable risks, as the dosage of the plant can hardly be controlled. In modern medicine today, there are safer and more reliable remedies for asthma, which is why datura hardly plays a role any more. Nevertheless, this historical use shows how versatile the plant once was.

Datura and its medical significance: past and present
The use of datura has a long history in various cultures. As well as being used for asthma and in rituals, the plant was also used to relieve pain. Today, the plant itself is rarely used medicinally, but certain ingredients such as scopolamine are still found in medicines, for example against motion sickness or as a sedative. However, the alkaloids are contained in small, controlled doses so that the dangerous effects of datura are excluded. This modern application shows that, despite the risks, there are valuable ingredients in datura that can be used safely.
Homeopathic dose: Datura can be used safely in small quantities
In homeopathy, datura is known as Datura stramonium and is used in a highly diluted form. Homeopathic remedies only contain extremely small amounts of datura, which makes them safe. In this form, the plant is mainly used for restlessness, sleep disorders and anxiety. Unlike conventional applications, there is no risk here as the concentration of the active ingredients is so low that they cannot have a toxic effect. For many, homeopathic use is an interesting alternative, as the gentle effect is used without stressing the body.
Effect of datura seeds: What's in the little seeds?
Datura seeds are particularly potent and dangerous. They contain a high concentration of alkaloids and can therefore easily lead to severe poisoning. Anyone who ingests datura seeds risks serious health consequences, ranging from hallucinations to unconsciousness. We expressly warn against consuming the seeds, as they can cause unpredictable and sometimes life-threatening reactions. Care should be taken to ensure that children and animals in particular do not come into contact with the seeds, as even small amounts can be dangerous.
White datura varieties: Are there differences in effect?
In addition to the typical datura with its purple flowers, there are also white varieties of the plant, which also belong to the Datura species. These white daturas are visually striking, but hardly differ in their effect from the common varieties. The alkaloids and their concentrations are similar, meaning that the white datura is also poisonous and should be handled with care. For connoisseurs of the plant, there is therefore no fundamentally different effect - the precautionary measures apply to all species of this fascinating plant.
Datura tea: a dangerous infusion
Sometimes the leaves or flowers of datura are used to make tea, which was traditionally drunk for pain or to calm down. However, this use is dangerous and is rarely practiced nowadays, as the exact dosage of the active ingredients in the tea is difficult to control. A single sip can cause unexpected side effects such as severe hallucinations, circulatory problems or even shortness of breath. Anyone who tries the tea anyway is taking a great risk, which is often disproportionate to the desired effect.
Datura and drug use: tempting but dangerous
Datura is occasionally abused as a drug due to its hallucinogenic effect. However, this use involves considerable risks and can even be life-threatening. In many countries, cultivation of the plant is not prohibited, as it is often considered an ornamental plant. However, its use as a drug is restricted or prohibited by law in many areas. Anyone interested in growing or using datura should therefore inform themselves thoroughly about the legal regulations in advance.