Cannabis: Yellow leaves - causes and solutions
Yellow leaves on cannabis plants are a common problem that can be due to a number of causes. They are often a sign that something is wrong with the plant and can range from nutrient deficiencies to environmental influences. Here you can find out the main causes and what solutions are available to get your plant back on track.
Nutrient deficiency as the cause of yellow leaves in cannabis
One of the most common causes of yellow leaves in cannabis is a nutrient deficiency. A lack of nitrogen, potassium or magnesium in particular can cause the leaves to lose their green color and turn yellow. Nitrogen is important for leaf growth, while potassium and magnesium are needed for photosynthesis and energy production in the plant. If these nutrients are lacking, the plant often indicates this by yellow leaves.
Solution: Make sure to use a balanced fertilizer that contains the necessary nutrients. If you suspect a deficiency, you can top up the fertilizer and observe whether the color of the leaves improves.

Overwatering or incorrect irrigation
Cannabis plants need the right amount of water to stay healthy. Overwatering can suffocate the roots of the plant, which means that they can no longer absorb nutrients. This often manifests itself in yellow leaves. But underwatering can also lead to stress, which manifests itself in yellowing leaves.
Solution: Make sure you have a balanced watering system. The soil should always be moist but not waterlogged. Also make sure that excess water can drain away to prevent root rot.
pH value of the soil and nutrient uptake
The pH value of the soil is decisive for how well the plant can absorb nutrients. If the pH value is outside the optimum range (between 6.0 and 7.0), nutrient blockages can occur. In this case, the nutrients are present but the plant cannot absorb them, which can also lead to yellow leaves.
Solution: Check the pH value of the soil regularly. If this is not in the optimum range, you can adjust the pH value with appropriate products to ensure that the plant can absorb the nutrients.
Pests and diseases
Pests such as spider mites, thrips or aphids can also cause the leaves to turn yellow. These small insects suck the sap from the leaves and thus weaken the plant. In addition, diseases such as root rot or fungal infections can lead to yellowing.
Solution: Check your plants regularly for pests. In the event of an infestation, special pesticides or natural enemies such as ladybugs can help. In the case of diseases, you should remove the affected parts of the plant and optimize the environment to stop the spread.

Lack of light and environmental influences
Cannabis plants need plenty of light to grow healthily. A lack of light can cause the leaves to turn yellow, as the plant cannot produce enough energy through photosynthesis. Other environmental influences such as extreme temperatures or excessive humidity can also lead to stress, which manifests itself in yellow leaves.
Solution: Make sure your plants get enough light, especially during the flowering phase. Also pay attention to the temperature and humidity levels in your grow room to ensure optimal growing conditions.
Removing cannabis yellow leaves: when is it necessary?
Removing yellow leaves from cannabis plants is not always necessary immediately. It depends on how badly the leaves are damaged and what stage your plant is in. Yellow leaves can stress the plant and reduce the energy it needs to produce flowers. But there are a few things to consider before you reach for the shears.
When should you remove yellow leaves?
If the leaves are completely yellow and no longer have any green areas, they have lost their function and no longer contribute to the plant's energy production. In this case, it makes sense to remove them to relieve the plant and improve the air flow between the leaves, which can prevent mold and fungal infestation.
Solution: Carefully cut off yellow leaves with clean scissors or a knife so that the plant can concentrate on the healthy parts.
When should yellow leaves not be removed?
However, slightly yellow or partially yellowed leaves may still contain nutrients that the plant can use. Especially during the growth phase, it is advisable to leave the leaves on the plant for the time being while there is still some green. They can still contribute to photosynthesis and provide the plant with energy.
Yellow leaves in the flowering phase
In the flowering phase, it is normal for some older leaves to turn yellow as the plant concentrates its energy on flower formation. In this phase, you can regularly remove yellow leaves to focus on flower production and keep the plant healthy.
Cannabis yellow leaves shortly before harvest: a normal phenomenon?
If cannabis develops yellow leaves shortly before harvest, this is often a completely natural process and no cause for concern. In the final phase of growth, the plant concentrates its energy on the flowers, which means that it transports fewer nutrients to the leaves. This causes the leaves to turn yellow, especially the older, lower leaves.
Why do the leaves turn yellow?
During the last weeks before harvest, the plant stops receiving most of its nutrients. It begins to use the nutrients stored in the leaves to feed the flowers. This process of nutrient displacement causes the leaves to lose their green color and turn yellow. It is a sign that the plant has reached its ripening phase and the harvest is near.
Do you need to do anything?
In most cases, you don't need to intervene if your cannabis plant turns yellow just before harvest. It is a natural part of the ripening process. However, removing the yellow leaves can improve airflow around the flowers and prevent mold, especially if you are growing in a humid environment.
Yellow leaves with brown spots: What to do?
If your cannabis plant develops yellow leaves with brown spots, this may indicate a more serious problem than just a simple nutrient deficiency. This combination of symptoms often indicates a potassium deficiency or other nutrient blockage. However, there are other possible causes such as over-fertilization, pH problems or even pest infestation.

Cause: Potassium deficiency
A common reason for brown spots on yellow leaves is a lack of potassium. Potassium is an important nutrient that is responsible for regulating the plant's water balance and nutrient uptake. A potassium deficiency often causes the leaf edges to turn yellow and brown, dry spots to form.
Solution: Use a fertilizer with a high potassium content to compensate for the deficiency. Also make sure that the pH value of the soil is in the optimum range (6.0-7.0 for soil) so that the plant can absorb the potassium.
Cause: pH problems
Sometimes the required nutrients are present in the soil, but the plant cannot absorb them due to an incorrect pH value. Soil that is too acidic or alkaline blocks the absorption of potassium and other nutrients, resulting in yellow leaves with brown spots.
Solution: Check the pH of your soil and make sure it is in the optimal range. If necessary, you can adjust the pH value to improve nutrient uptake.
Cause: Over-fertilization
Another possible problem is over-fertilization. Too much fertilizer can damage the roots and lead to salt accumulation, which in turn hinders nutrient uptake. This can cause yellow leaves and burnt brown spots.
Solution: Rinse your plants with clear water to remove excess salts from the soil. Reduce the amount of fertilizer and only use as much as the plant actually needs.
Pests as the cause
Spider mites or other pests can also leave brown spots on the leaves. These small insects suck the plant sap from the leaves and leave behind yellow to brown spots that become larger over time.
Solution: Check your plant thoroughly for pests. In case of infestation, you should take immediate action, e.g. by using biological pesticides or natural enemies such as ladybugs.