When is the best time to harvest cannabis outdoors? Tips for the optimal outdoor harvest time

Wann ist die beste Zeit, um Cannabis Outdoor zu ernten? Tipps zur optimalen Erntezeit im Freien

Niklas Bergmann, M.A.

Biochemist, specialist author

Inhaltsverzeichnis: When is the best time to harvest cannabis outdoors? Tips for the optimal outdoor harvest time

The optimal time to harvest cannabis outdoors

If you grow cannabis outdoors, you probably already know that it's all about timing. But how exactly do you find the perfect moment to harvest your plants? It's a question many growers ask themselves, and the answer can mean the difference between a wow result and a disappointing yield.

The right harvest time not only determines the quantity of your yield, but also the quality. It's all about the perfect balance between potency, flavor and effect - and it all depends on how well you keep an eye on your plants. In this article, we'll take you by the hand and show you what to look out for: from the first signs of maturity to the trichomes and the influence of the weather. In the end, you'll know exactly when to grab your plants and get the best out of them. Because at the end of the day, we all want one thing: a harvest that makes us proud.

Flowering time in outdoor cultivation: when to harvest cannabis?

The flowering period is the exciting moment that every outdoor cannabis grower looks forward to. But what exactly does the flowering time actually mean and why is it so crucial for the right harvest time?

As soon as the days get shorter, your cannabis plant automatically starts to flower. It's her way of telling you: "Hey, it's time to get ready for harvest!" The length of flowering time varies depending on the strain, and this is where the differences between indica and sativa come into play.

Indica strains are the sprinters among cannabis plants. They usually flower faster and generally take around 7 to 9 weeks to fully mature. This means that you need to pay attention to the harvest time earlier with indica plants.

Sativa strains, on the other hand, are marathon runners. Their flowering time can extend to 10 to 12 weeks or even longer. They like to take a little longer, which requires a little more patience from you as a grower.

Why is this important? The time at which your plant flowers and matures ultimately determines the ideal harvest time. If you harvest too early, you risk the flowers not fully maturing and not being able to develop their full potency. Harvesting too late may result in a loss of quality, taste and effect.

The trick is to pick just the right moment to get the best out of your plants. In the following sections, you will learn how to recognize this moment - and why it is worth paying attention to it.

Trichomes as an indicator: harvesting cannabis correctly

When it comes to determining the perfect harvest time for your outdoor cannabis, trichomes are your best friends. These tiny, resinous glands on the flowers are more than just pretty crystals - they are the key to a successful harvest.

But how do you check the trichomes properly? First, you need a small tool: a magnifying glass or, even better, a pocket microscope. Look closely at the trichomes - they resemble small mushrooms with a spherical tip. The condition of these trichomes will give you a direct indication of when your plant is ready for harvest.

The color of the trichomes tells you everything you need to know:

Clear trichomes: Your plant is not ready yet. At this stage, the cannabinoids are not yet fully developed and harvesting would result in a less potent yield.

Milky trichomes: This is where it gets interesting. When most of the trichomes are milky, your plant has reached the peak of its potency. This is the optimal time for an energetic, cerebral effect.

Amber trichomes: These indicate advanced maturity. When the trichomes begin to take on an amber hue, it means that the THC content is decreasing and the effect is becoming increasingly relaxing and physical.

Why are the trichomes the most important factor for the harvest? Quite simply, they contain the valuable cannabinoids and terpenes that are responsible for the potency, flavor and effect of your harvest. A close observation of the trichomes allows you to fine-tune the harvest time - depending on whether you are looking for an invigorating or relaxing effect.

By focusing on the trichomes, you can ensure that you are getting the full potential from your plants. Because at the end of the day, it's all about getting the most out of your harvest - and the trichomes will show you the way.

Observe the pistils: When is outdoor cannabis ready to harvest?

In addition to the trichomes, the pistils are also an important indicator of when your outdoor cannabis is ready for harvest. These fine hairs that protrude from the flowers undergo significant changes during the ripening period, which can tell you a lot about the condition of your plants.

What do the pistils tell you about the degree of ripeness? At the beginning of the flowering phase, the pistils are usually white and upright. This is a sign that the flowers are still young and in full growth. Over time, however, these hairs begin to change color - from white to orange, brown or even reddish. They also become progressively darker and curl a little.

When around 70-90% of the pistils have changed color, this is a strong sign that your plant is ready to harvest. This means that the flowers have reached their maximum maturity and the cannabinoids and terpenes are fully developed.

How do pistils affect potency and flavor? The change in pistils is closely linked to the ripening process of the flowers. If you harvest too early, when the pistils are still predominantly white, the result can be less potent and aromatically immature flowers. The cannabinoids have not yet developed their full potential, which can lead to a milder effect.

On the other hand, if you wait too long, when the pistils are already completely dark and retracted, the plant can start to overripe. This can negatively affect the quality and flavor and make the effect less balanced - in some cases, the high will be more drowsy and less clear.

Observing the pistils in combination with the trichomes will give you an accurate indication of when the time is right to apply the scissors. By keeping an eye on both, you can make sure that you reach the full potential of your harvest - both in terms of potency and flavor.

Influence of the weather: when is the best time to harvest cannabis outdoors?

When growing cannabis outdoors, the weather is a decisive factor that can influence the time of harvest. Even if your plants are in perfect condition, Mother Nature can still have a say.

Which weather conditions are particularly important? Two of the biggest challenges in outdoor growing are frost and rain, especially as you approach the end of the growing season.

Frost: In many regions, harvest time starts towards the end of September or beginning of October - just at the time when the first frosty nights can occur. Frost can severely damage your plants by destroying the trichomes and freezing the flowers. This leads to a significant deterioration in quality and, in the worst case, can even render the entire crop unusable. If frost is forecast, it is better to harvest a little earlier, even if the plants are not yet fully mature.

Rain: Heavy and persistent rain just before harvest can also be disastrous. Wet flowers are susceptible to mold and rot, which is particularly annoying when the plants are actually ready for harvest. If you are expecting a lot of rain, it is better to bring the harvest forward to avoid mold growth. Harvesting too late in wet weather can undo all your hard work.

How does the weather affect the quality of the harvest? The weather not only determines when you should harvest, but also how high quality your harvest will be. Cool temperatures can intensify the colors of your flowers and boost terpene production, resulting in better flavor and aroma. On the other hand, too much moisture in the air or on the plants can lead to mold and low-quality buds.

By keeping an eye on the weather and adjusting your harvest accordingly, you can maximize the yield and quality of your outdoor cannabis plants. The best time to harvest is when the weather is stable and you can minimize the risk of frost and rain. This means you need to be flexible and ready to react quickly when weather conditions change.

Regional differences: When to harvest outdoor cannabis in Germany?

When growing cannabis outdoors in Germany, the climate plays a decisive role. Depending on the region and weather conditions, the optimal harvest time can vary considerably. Germany has a diverse climate, and this influences when and how you should harvest your plants.

Special features of the climate in Germany

In Germany, climatic conditions vary from north to south and from west to east. In the north and west, summers tend to be cooler and wetter, while the south and east are often warmer and drier. These differences directly influence the cultivation and harvest time of cannabis.

Northern Germany: In northern regions, summers are often shorter and cooler. Here it is particularly important to choose early-flowering varieties to ensure that the plants are ripe before the first frost. Harvest time is often between the end of September and the beginning of October. Pay particular attention to the weather forecast here, as frost and rain can set in early.

Southern Germany: In more southerly regions such as Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg, summers are longer and warmer, which gives you a little more leeway. Here, the harvest season can last until mid-October, sometimes even until the end of October if the weather remains mild. Nevertheless, watch out for the first risk of frost and make sure that the plants are not exposed to the risk of cold snaps for too long.

Eastern and western Germany: The center of Germany often offers a good balance between the extreme weather conditions in the north and south. Here you can typically expect to harvest from early to mid-October. However, it is important to keep an eye on the weather as heavy rainfall or sudden frost can occur.

Regional tips for a successful harvest

To determine the best time to harvest, you should know the specific climatic conditions of your region. Here are a few tips:

Weather forecasts: rely on accurate weather reports and apps to help you track weather developments. This way, you can react in good time if bad weather is on the horizon.

Choice of variety: Choose varieties that are well adapted to the climatic conditions of your region. Early-flowering or robust varieties are particularly suitable for regions with shorter summers.

Harvest window: Plan a flexible harvest window that allows you to harvest earlier or later, depending on how the weather develops. Sometimes it is better to harvest a slightly underripe plant than risk losing the entire crop.

By taking into account regional differences and the local climate, you can determine the ideal harvest time for your outdoor cannabis in Germany and get the most out of your crop.

Niklas Bergmann, Fachautor

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