Microdosing: effects, benefits and safe use


Niklas Bergmann, M.A.

Biochemist, specialist author

Inhaltsverzeichnis: Microdosing: effects, benefits and safe use

Microdosing - a term that is increasingly making its way through the media and arousing curiosity. Mini doses of psychedelic substances such as LSD or psylocybin that are not supposed to interfere with everyday life, but rather make you more creative, focused and balanced. Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it? In Germany in particular, a crucial question arises: Is microdosing even allowed? While scientific research provides promising approaches, the legal situation in this country remains complicated. In this blog, we take an honest look at the world of microdosing, clarify how 1D-LSD comes into play, what is important when dosing and what experiences users share. Ready to dive into a controversial but fascinating topic? Then let's get started!

Microdosing in Germany: Is it allowed?

The idea of sharpening your mind and improving your mood with tiny doses of LSD or psylocybin sounds tempting to many. But what is the legal situation in Germany? The sobering answer: classic LSD falls under the Narcotics Act (BtMG) and is therefore illegal - regardless of the dose. Anyone caught risks criminal prosecution.

But there is a grey area: 1D-LSD, a new, chemically modified variant that has only recently come onto the market. This substance is not yet considered illegal, as it is not (yet) explicitly listed in the law. However, this does not mean that it remains truly safe or permanently legal. The authorities are monitoring the trend closely and it is quite possible that the legal situation will change quickly. Anyone trying out microdosing in Germany is therefore moving into uncertain territory - with all the associated risks.

What is 1D-LSD and why is it used for microdosing?

1D-LSD is currently the shooting star in the microdosing scene. Why? It's simple: while classic LSD is illegal, 1D-LSD is currently in a legal grey area in Germany. But what exactly is behind this substance and why do so many microdosers use it?

  • Chemical relationship: 1D-LSD is a derivative of LSD - similar in structure and effect, but not (yet) listed in the BtMG.
  • Popularity in microdosing: It delivers similar effects to classic LSD, but without the intense trip - perfect for everyday use.
  • Spectrum of effects: Users report increased creativity, better concentration and general mental clarity.
  • Availability: Compared to LSD, 1D-LSD is currently easier to obtain, making it the favoured choice for many microdosers.
  • Legal uncertainty: Although it is currently legal, it remains unclear how long this will last - legislation could follow suit at any time.

In short, 1D-LSD currently offers a way to try microdosing in Germany without immediately falling foul of the law, but again, stay informed and weigh up the risks!

Buying microdosing LSD: what do you need to know?

The desire to try microdosing yourself quickly raises a crucial question: Where can you buy LSD - and is it even legal? 🛑 In Germany, the purchase of classic LSD remains illegal, whether for microdosing or other purposes. The black market may seem tempting, but it harbours considerable risks: uncertain quality, overpriced prices and the constant danger of being caught. ⚖️

The situation is currently different with 1D-LSD, which is available in some online shops. Here it is important to be careful: just because a product is currently legal does not mean that it is safe. 🚨 Many suppliers operate in a grey area, and the quality of the products can also vary greatly. Anyone looking into the subject should be aware that the legal protection can be overturned at any time - and possession could therefore quickly become a criminal offence.

In short, buying microdosing LSD in Germany remains tricky, and anyone who takes the plunge is operating in an uncertain environment - both legally and in terms of health 🤯.

Microdosing LSD: effects and possible effects

Why do so many people swear by microdosing with LSD? The answer lies in the subtle but often profound effects. While a full dose of LSD sends the mind on an intense journey, microdosing keeps everything in check - no hallucinations, no loss of control. Instead, many users report a clearer head, increased creativity and an improved mood. ✨

But it's not just artists and creatives who rave about the benefits. Microdosing is also said to help people work in a more focussed way and cope better with stress in stressful everyday working life. 🧠 Some even report increased emotional stability and better coping with anxiety. But beware: the effects are individual and not yet fully scientifically proven. And as with any substance, there are risks - no matter how small the dose. ⚡

The fact is: Microdosing LSD can work, but it doesn't have to - and always harbours a certain risk.

Kleines Tropffläschchen mit der Aufschrift „Microdosing LSD“ auf einem Holztisch, daneben ein Notizbuch und Laptop, im Hintergrund ein gemütliches Home-Office mit Pflanzen und Kaffeetasse

LSD microdosing experience: What do users report?

Anyone looking into microdosing will quickly come across countless testimonials - from enthusiastic supporters to disillusioned sceptics. 🧐 But which experiences are shared most frequently?

  • Creativity boost: Many users report that they can think more creatively and develop new ideas more quickly 🎨
  • Improved concentration: Some microdosers experience increased attention and productivity, particularly in everyday working life 💻
  • Mood improvement: Slight depressive moods or listlessness seem to diminish for some people, making everyday life more positive. ☀️
  • Inner peace: Stress and anxiety are less of a burden for many microdosers, which makes everyday life more relaxed 🧘
  • Hardly any side effects: While some report headaches or restlessness, many users hardly experience any negative effects in everyday life - as long as the dose is right. ⚖️

But there are also other voices: not everyone feels positive effects, and some experience discomfort or increased nervousness. Microdosing is not a miracle cure - but it is an exciting experiment for many.

Microdosing and anxiety disorders: Does LSD help with mental health problems?

Microdosing is increasingly being discussed as a possible aid for mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders. Some studies and experience reports suggest that the tiny doses of psychedelic substances could have positive effects - but what are the pros and cons?


  • 🧠 Anxiety relief: many users report that their anxiety decreases in everyday life and they feel more relaxed.
  • 🌈 Mood stabilisation: Microdosing could help to cushion emotional lows and promote a more balanced mood.
  • Clearer head: People with anxiety disorders often describe a constant carousel of thoughts - microdosing is said to help clear this mental fog.


  • ⚠️ No reliable research: there is a lack of scientific evidence to date and many of the positive reports are based on individual experience.
  • 🔄 Unpredictable effect: Microdosing can also backfire in the case of anxiety disorders - some people experience increased anxiety or even panic attacks.
  • 🚫 Legal risk: Even if the substance could help, the legal aspect remains a major obstacle in Germany.

Whether microdosing can actually provide lasting help for anxiety disorders remains to be seen - but interest is growing steadily.

Microdosing LSD dosage: how much is really "micro"?

Microdosing is all about the right dosage. Too much - and everyday life becomes an unwanted trip. Too little - and it remains completely ineffective. The rule of thumb is: a microdose corresponds to around one tenth to one twentieth of a normal LSD dose, i.e. around 5 to 20 micrograms.

Beginners usually start with an even smaller amount to test the body's individual reaction. It is important to find your own rhythm. Many microdosers follow the "Fadiman protocol": one day with one dose, two days break - then repeat. These breaks are crucial so that no tolerance builds up and the effect is maintained.

But here too, every body reacts differently, so anyone experimenting with microdosing needs patience, mindfulness and, above all, an awareness of the potential risks.

Microdosing psilo and psylocybin: an alternative to LSD?

In addition to LSD, psylocybin, the active ingredient from magic mushrooms, is also gaining popularity in the microdosing sector. Why? Psylocybin is often described as gentler and is said to promote a deeper emotional connection. While LSD microdosing is more about focus and creativity, many psylocybin users report an improved mood, inner peace and a stronger sense of connection with their environment.

Another plus point: psylocybin is considered by some to be more natural and is easier to dose in small quantities. However, psylocybin is also illegal in Germany and the risks - both legal and health-related - remain. Nevertheless, psylocybin microdosing is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to LSD, especially among those seeking emotional balance.

Microdosing side effects: risks and precautions

As promising as microdosing may sound, it is not without risks. Even the smallest doses of psychedelic substances can cause side effects that should not be underestimated.

  • Headaches: Some users report mild to moderate headaches, especially at the beginning 🤕
  • Restlessness and nervousness: Not everyone reacts calmly to microdosing - some feel irritable or restless inside ⚡
  • Sleep problems: A common problem if the dose is taken too late in the day 😴
  • Tolerance development: If you dose too frequently, you will quickly notice that the effect wears off - regular breaks are a must 🔄
  • Mental stress: If your mental health is unstable, microdosing can exacerbate existing problems instead of alleviating them 🧠

Microdosing is not a harmless experiment and anyone who embarks on it should be aware of the possible side effects and use it responsibly.

The future of microdosing

Microdosing is fascinating - no wonder, given the many positive reports of increased creativity, focus and emotional balance. But as with everything, there are two sides to the coin.


  • ✨ Increase creativity and focus: many report a clearer mind and better ideas.
  • 🌞 Improved mood: Slight mood enhancement and stress reduction are frequently cited effects.
  • 🧘‍♂️ More inner peace: Microdosing can provide more serenity, especially in hectic everyday life.


  • ⚖️ Legal uncertainty: In Germany, apart from 1D-LSD, microdosing remains illegal and risky.
  • 🧠 Unpredictable effects: Not everyone benefits, and for some it can be psychologically stressful.
  • 🚨 Possible side effects: headaches, restlessness or sleep problems can make everyday life more difficult.

Microdosing offers opportunities, but also risks. Anyone who embarks on it should be well informed and careful - because even small doses can have major effects.

Niklas Bergmann, Fachautor

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