LST: Low stress training for cannabis

LST: Low Stress Training für Cannabis

Niklas Bergmann, M.A.

Biochemiker, Fachautor

Inhaltsverzeichnis: LST: Low stress training for cannabis

Hey guys, have you heard of Low Stress Training (LST)? If not, stay tuned because it could completely change your cannabis growing game. LST is a super gentle and mega effective way to get the best out of your plants - without stressing or damaging them. Especially if you're growing indoors and maybe don't have that much space, you'll love this technique. Here's everything you need to know about LST and how to get off to a flying start.

Low stress training (LST) for cannabis

What is low stress training?

Low stress training, or LST for short, is a technique in which you carefully bend and fix the branches and stems of your cannabis plants to steer their growth in the desired direction. Unlike High Stress Training (HST), where the plants are pruned or even injured, LST is very gentle. The aim is to minimize stress for the plants while optimizing light distribution. The result? Stronger plants with more buds and higher yields overall. Sounds good, right?

Benefits of LST for cannabis

Increased yields: Probably the biggest benefit of LST is the increase in yield. By distributing light evenly to all parts of the plant, more buds can grow. No bud remains in the shade, so that each flower is optimally supplied with light and nutrients. This leads to a significantly higher overall yield.

Optimal use of space: If you grow indoors and space is a scarce commodity, then LST is just the thing for you. By bending and fixing, your plants grow horizontally rather than vertically. This allows you to make maximum use of the available space and accommodate more plants in a smaller area.

Improved air circulation: Another advantage of LST is the improved air circulation. Opening the plant canopy creates a more open structure that is better ventilated. This significantly reduces the risk of disease and mold growth, as the air can circulate better and moisture dries faster.

Discretion: Shallow plants are less conspicuous and easier to hide. So if you live in an area where discretion is important, then LST is ideal. Your plants will remain compact and inconspicuous, avoiding unwanted attention.

Low stress training is not only gentle, but also extremely efficient. With a little patience and the right techniques, you can achieve impressive results. So why not give it a try and see how your plants react? You'll be surprised how much potential your plants have!

LST for cannabis

Step-by-step guide to LST for cannabis


Before you start low stress training, it is important to prepare your plants and equipment. Choose young, flexible plants, as older plants are less pliable and more prone to breaking. You will need soft wires, cable ties or special plant training clips to hold the branches in place. Support poles or trellises can also be helpful to stabilize the plants during training.

Bending the plants

The first step in the LST process is to carefully bend the main stems and side branches. Make sure that you do not bend the plants too much to avoid breakage. Start slowly and feel your way forward step by step. The aim is to bend the stems so that they grow horizontally instead of vertically. This way, all parts of the plant will receive light more evenly.

Fastening the branches

Once you have bent the branches into the desired position, you need to fix them in place. Use soft wires or plant training clips to carefully attach the branches to the sides of the planter or to support poles. Make sure that the fixings are not too tight so as not to damage the plants. The fixings should hold the branches in their new position, but at the same time leave enough room for further growth.

Adjusting the fixings

Check the fixings regularly and adjust them if necessary. As the plants grow, you will notice that some branches become stronger and could come loose from the fixings. In such cases, you should loosen or reposition the fixings to further support growth. Make sure that the plants always have enough space to develop naturally.

Be patient

LST requires patience. The plants need time to get used to their new shape and adjust their growth accordingly. Give them this time and be patient. Within a few days, you will notice that new shoots appear and the plants become bushier and healthier. In the long run, you will reap the rewards of your patience by getting bigger and more potent buds.

With this step-by-step guide, you are well equipped to successfully apply low stress training to your cannabis plants. Good luck and happy growing!

Cannabis cultivation techniques

High stress training (HST) vs. low stress training (LST)

  • High Stress Training (HST): HST includes techniques such as pruning, topping and supercropping, where the plants are intentionally stressed to control and promote their growth. Although these methods can produce high yields, they expose the plants to considerable stress, which increases the risk of disease and growth problems. Topping, for example, involves removing the tip of the main stem to encourage the growth of several main shoots. Supercropping, on the other hand, breaks the inner fibers of the branches to produce more robust and vigorous shoots.

  • Low Stress Training (LST): In contrast, LST focuses on carefully bending and fixing the plants without injuring them. This gentle method minimizes stress for the plants and promotes even growth. With LST, the branches are aligned horizontally to achieve better light distribution, resulting in more even development of the buds. LST is ideal for growers looking for healthier plants and more consistent yields without the risk of growth problems.

Combining LST with other cultivation methods

  • LSTand ScrOG (Screen of Green): This combination is particularly effective. With ScrOG, a net is stretched over the plants through which the branches are guided. This method supports the horizontal distribution of the branches and maximizes the light yield. If you use LST together with ScrOG, you can optimize the use of space and ensure that all parts of the plant are evenly illuminated. The result is a more even and higher yielding flower cover.

  • LST and SOG (Sea of Green): The SOG method focuses on growing many small plants in a small space. By combining this with LST, these small plants can be trained to produce an even flower cover. This technique maximizes yields by increasing light utilization and space efficiency. LST helps to keep the plants low and compact, which is particularly beneficial in a SOG setup.

  • LST and supercropping: Although supercropping is an HST method, it can be used selectively in combination with LST to promote particularly resilient and strong branches. Supercropping creates robust branches that can support more weight, while LST shapes these branches into the desired form. This combination can further optimize plant structure and direct growth to achieve maximum yields.

  • LST and topping: Topping involves removing the tip of the main stem to encourage the growth of several main shoots. In combination with LST, these new shoots can be trained horizontally, resulting in a bushier plant and higher yields. This combination utilizes the advantages of both techniques: Topping ensures more main shoots and LST ensures that these shoots are optimally aligned and illuminated.

By combining low stress training with other growing methods, you can optimize your growing practices and realize the full potential of your cannabis plants. Each technique has its own benefits, and with the right combination you can achieve impressive results. Happy growing!

Increased yields with LST

Low Stress Training (LST) is a technique specifically designed to maximize the yields of your cannabis plants. By specifically manipulating the plant structure, you can ensure that each plant develops to its full potential. Here are the three main benefits of LST that lead to higher yields:

Even light distribution

One of the biggest challenges in cannabis cultivation is ensuring that all parts of the plant receive sufficient light. When growing naturally, cannabis plants tend to grow upwards, often leaving the lower branches and leaves in the shade. This leads to uneven development and reduced bud production in the lower areas.

With LST, you carefully bend the main stems and side branches downwards so that the plant grows horizontally rather than vertically. This method ensures that the light is evenly distributed to all parts of the plant. The even distribution of light allows the plants to photosynthesize more, resulting in uniform and vigorous bud development. No bud is left in the shade, so that every flower is optimally supplied with light and nutrients.

Optimal use of space

Space is often a scarce commodity, especially when growing indoors. With LST, you can make efficient use of the available space by growing the plants flat and wide instead of tall. This is particularly useful in grow tents or small growing areas where vertical space is limited.

By training the plants horizontally, you can fit more plants in the same space without them taking light away from each other. This results in a higher number of plants per square meter and therefore a higher overall harvest. The compact and flat growth form also makes it easier to care for and harvest the plants, as all parts of the plant are easily accessible.

Improved air circulation

Good air circulation is crucial to prevent disease and mold growth. Dense and bushy plants tend to accumulate moisture in the inner areas, creating an ideal environment for mold and pests. With LST, you open up the plant canopy and create a more open structure that is better ventilated.

By spreading the branches horizontally, you ensure that air can circulate better through the plant. This significantly reduces the risk of mold and other moisture problems. Improved air circulation also helps to better regulate the temperature and humidity in the grow room, which promotes overall plant growth and health.

Effective methods for cannabis cultivation

Low Stress Training (LST) is just one of many effective methods to maximize the yield and health of your cannabis plants. In this section, we'll look at how LST can be applied to both indoor and outdoor growing, what equipment is helpful and common mistakes to avoid.

LST indoors vs. outdoors

LST in indoor cultivation: LST offers particular advantages in indoor cultivation, as vertical space is often limited. With LST, you can train your plants to grow flat and wide, allowing the light source (e.g. LED or HPS lamps) to hit all parts of the plant evenly. This maximizes the use of light and promotes even growth.

  • Control over the environment: Indoor growers have full control over light, temperature and humidity, making LST even more effective. You can shape and direct the plants in exactly the way that suits your growing space best.
  • Discretion: Flatter plants are less conspicuous, which is particularly advantageous in discreet cultivation situations.

LST in outdoor cultivation: LST is also a valuable technique in outdoor cultivation to increase yield and keep plants healthy. Outdoors, plants can usually grow taller, and LST helps to control the height of the plants and allow them to grow wider.

  • Maximize sunlight exposure: By training horizontally, you ensure that all parts of the plant receive an equal amount of sunlight, which promotes growth and bud formation.
  • Improved air circulation: Especially outdoors, good air circulation can significantly reduce the risk of mold and disease.

Use of LST clips and other accessories

LST clips and other accessories are extremely useful to facilitate plant training. Here are some tools you should consider using:

  • LSTclips: these clips are specially made to place the branches in the desired position without damaging them. They are easy to use and reusable.
  • Soft wires: With soft wires you can fix the branches flexibly without damaging the plants. These wires are easy to adjust and hold the branches securely in position.
  • Cable ties: Cable ties are an inexpensive alternative for securing the branches. Be careful not to tighten them too tightly to avoid damaging them.
  • Support poles and nets: Especially when growing indoors, support poles and nets can be helpful to keep plants stable and support training.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Mistakes can also be made during low stress training, which can affect the growth and yield of your plants. Here are some common mistakes and tips on how to avoid them:

  • Bending too much: Be careful not to bend the plants too much as this can break the stems. Bend the branches slowly and carefully.
  • Fixings that are too tight: Fixings should not be tightened too tightly as this can damage the plants. Leave enough room for growth.
  • Irregular checks: Check the fixings regularly and adjust them if necessary. Neglect can lead to the plants not growing optimally.
  • Impatience: LST requires patience. Give the plants time to get used to the new shape and grow regularly with the method.


Low Stress Training (LST) is an impressive method that can help any cannabis grower achieve healthier plants and higher yields. Whether you are growing in a small indoor grow tent or outdoors, LST gives you the flexibility to optimally manage and maximize the growth of your plants.

Summary of benefits

  • Increased yields: The even light distribution means more and larger buds develop, resulting in a higher overall harvest.
  • Optimal use of space: Especially in indoor cultivation, the limited space can be used more efficiently by growing the plants horizontally.
  • Improved air circulation: An open plant structure improves ventilation, reduces the risk of mold and promotes the overall health of the plants.
  • Discretion: Shallow plants are less conspicuous and easier to hide, which is particularly beneficial in discreet growing situations.

Important aspects and techniques

  • Indoor vs. outdoor growing: LST is effective both indoors and outdoors, helping to make the most of any environment.
  • Accessories: LST clips, soft wires and support poles are practical tools that make training easier and more efficient.
  • Avoid mistakes: Be careful not to bend the plants too much, don't over-tighten the fixings and check and adjust regularly.

By combining LST with other growing methods such as ScrOG, SOG, supercropping and topping, you can further refine your growing strategy and realize the full potential of your cannabis plants. Each technique has its own benefits and with the right combination you can achieve impressive results.

Patience and care are the keys to success with LST, and with the right application you can not only increase the yield of your plants, but also improve their health and quality. Try it out, experiment and find out which methods work best for your specific growing situation. Good luck and happy growing!

Niklas Bergmann, Fachautor

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