Perfect cannabis harvest: tips and tricks for maximum yields

Inhaltsverzeichnis: Perfect cannabis harvest: tips and tricks for maximum yields
When is the right time to harvest cannabis?
The right time to harvest is important to get the best quality and potency out of your plants. Let's take a look at how you can recognise when it's time.
Trichomes as an indicator of harvest time
Trichome are these tiny, resinous glands on the Flowers and leaves. You can take a close look at them with a microscope or a strong magnifying glass.
- Clear trichomes Are the trichomes still clear and transparent? Then it is still too early. Your plant is still working on producing cannabinoids.
- Milky trichomes When most of the trichomes are milky white, this is the perfect time to harvest. This is when cannabinoid production is at its peak.
- Amber-coloured trichomes If some trichomes turn amber in colour, this means that the plant has exceeded its maturity. However, a few amber-coloured trichomes are not a bad thing - they make for a more intense, relaxed high.
A microscope is really handy so as not to miss this important moment.
Significance of the pistils for the harvest season
Blütenstempel (pistils) also give you valuable clues as to when the time is ripe. These hair-like structures change colour as the plant matures.
- White pistils : At the beginning they are white and stand upright. This shows that your plant is still growing.
- Discoloured pistils : When about 70-90% of the pistils have turned brownish or reddish and retracted, the plant is ready for harvest.
This change is easy to observe, even without special equipment.
How long does cannabis take from seed to harvest?
Wondering how long it will take until you can harvest your cannabis plants? Here you can find all the information about the different growth phases and what you need to bear in mind.
Stages of cannabis growth
Cannabis goes through several Wachstumsphasen from seed to harvest. Each phase is important and influences the total time.
- Keimung Germination takes about 1-2 weeks. During this time, the seed develops into a small seedling.
- Vegetative phase : This phase can last 4-8 weeks, depending on the variety and the growing conditions.
- Blütephase The flowering phase usually lasts 6-10 weeks. This is where the Flowers develop, which you harvest later.
Vegetative phase and its significance
The vegetative phase is crucial for the growth of your plants. Here are a few points you should bear in mind:
- Licht : Your plants need a lot of light - at least 18 hours a day.
- Nährstoffe : In this phase they mainly need nitrogen to grow vigorously.
- Wasser : Regular watering is important, but be careful not to overwater.
During this phase, the plants grow in height and width, develop strong stems and leaves that will later bear the Flowers.
Flowering phase: duration and factors
The Blütephase is the most exciting time, because this is when the fruits of your labour are revealed.
- Indica-Sorten : These varieties usually flower within 8-10 weeks.
- Sativa-Sorten : They often need 10-12 weeks to flower completely.
- Hybride Flowering time can vary depending on the mix of genes.
In the flowering phase, the light cycle changes to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. Make sure that your plants now receive less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium in order to develop strong Flowers.
How do I harvest cannabis properly?
The Erntezeit is finally here! Now it's all about doing everything right to get the best out of your plants. Here you can find out how to harvest cannabis properly.
Tools and preparation
Before you get started, make sure you have the right tools and a clean working environment.
- Werkzeuge You will need sharp secateurs, gloves and possibly a magnifying glass for the precision work. Make sure that all tools are clean and sterile.
- Prepare workstation Create a clean, well-lit work area. A large table surface is ideal so that you have enough space to work on your plants.
Rough trimming: First steps in harvesting
Now it's time to get down to business. Rough trimming removes the large leaves and prepares the plant for the next phase.
- Pflanze schneiden Cut the plant just above the ground. Some prefer to cut off individual branches to make processing easier.
- Remove large leaves Remove the large, fan-shaped leaves that have no trichomes. This facilitates the subsequent fine trimming and the drying process.
Finer harvesting techniques for optimum results
After the rough trimming comes the fine work. The aim here is to optimally prepare the Flowers.
- Fine trimming Now use smaller scissors to remove the small leaves that protrude from the Flowers. Take care to damage the trichomes as little as possible.
- Flowers structure : Carefully mould the Flowers to make it look appealing and facilitate drying.
This precision work pays off by improving the quality and appearance of your harvest.
Cannabis harvest per plant: what you can expect
Wondering how much yield you can expect from each of your plants? Here are the answers. The amount of cannabis harvested per plant depends on various factors. Let's take a closer look.
Harvest yield for indoor cultivation
At Indoor-Anbau you have control over the environmental conditions, which can influence the yield.
- Average yield : On average, you can expect around 300-600 grams per square metre.
- Einflussfaktoren Light, nutrients, temperature and humidity are crucial. Optimum conditions can significantly increase the yield.
- Trainingstechniken : Methods such as LST (Low Stress Training) or SCROG (Screen of Green) can increase yield by distributing light evenly and improving plant structure.
Harvest yield for outdoor cultivation
Outdoor cultivation often offers higher yields as the plants have more space and natural sunlight.
- Average yield Outdoor plants can yield between 500 grams and 1 kilogram or more per plant.
- Einflussfaktoren Climate conditions, soil quality and sunlight play a major role. A sunny, well-ventilated location is ideal.
- Sortenwahl Some varieties are particularly productive outdoors. Find out about the best outdoor varieties for your climate.
Factors influencing the harvest yield
There are many factors that can influence the yield of your plants. Here are the most important ones:
- Genetik The genetics of the plant determine its potential. Choose varieties that are known for high yields.
- Nährstoffe A balanced supply of nutrients is crucial. Pay attention to the needs of your plants in the various growth phases.
- Care and maintenance : Regular pruning and removal of dead leaves promotes growth and prevents diseases.
- Umweltbedingungen : Keep temperature, humidity and ventilation in the optimum range.
Harvesting cannabis is the highlight of every growing season and requires attention and care to get the best out of your plants. Here is an overview of the most important points:
- When is the right time to harvest? Look at the trichomes and pistils of your plants. Trichomes should be milky white to light amber in colour, and most pistils should be discoloured.
- Wachstumsphasen Cannabis goes through several growth phases from seed to harvest. The vegetative phase lasts 4-8 weeks and the flowering phase 6-10 weeks, depending on the variety.
- Ernteprozess : Prepare your tools and work area well. Rough trimming is about removing the large leaves and fine trimming is about the details to maximise quality.
- Harvest per plant Yield varies depending on whether you grow indoors or outdoors and depends on factors such as genetics, nutrients and care. Indoors you can expect 300-600 grams per square metre, outdoors even up to 1 kilogram per plant.
Harvest time is an exciting phase where all your hard work and care will be rewarded. With the right techniques and attention to the various factors, you can ensure that your harvest is not only plentiful but also of the highest quality.